
Wednesday, 10 August 2016

I cannot wait for my Holy Communion!

Wow! I just got my Confirmation Certificate! Did you know where I had my confirmation ceremony?I had at the St. Patrick's Cathedral in the city.

It all started when I was in the car, waiting to be dropped off at St. Patrick's Cathedral. We parked near the sidewalk and then walked towards the church. My mother accompanied me inside a building opposite the cathedral for church lessons. A doorway was open with some stairs that led down to a small corridor then a second doorway let you into the venue.

My mom signed in to let them know that I was there, then I sat on the carpet quietly. My mother sat on a metal chair nearby, watching. She gave me my pens and pencils and my file book when I needed them. Lots of other kids were there too but we only had one teacher. There was supposed to be two, but the other one was sick. The lesson took an hour. After that, my mother and I went up the steps again into the parking lot and then walked into the Cathedral.
Inside, there were few people already. I took a seat and tried to reserve the whole pew until my whole family arrived. When they came, the pew was full and we couldn't fit anymore. One had to stay standing while we were sitting. Before long our teacher announced the people that were getting their certificates by saying our names on the microphone. I was one of them! I felt very happy to receive it! The certificate was covered in plastic and has my name on it and the symbols of the Holy Spirit.

When the ceremony was over, my family and I left the cathedral.  We drove home and we put my certificate on the table. I felt honoured to have been confirmed in my faith to be a son of God and a Christian.

Learning intention: We are learning to follow the structure of a recount.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I write a title, followed by the events and then a conclusion of my Confirmation ceremony.

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