If you are looking at a World Map, New Zealand is found in the South-Eastern Pacific Ocean. New Zealand lies on two tectonic plates, those being the Pacific and Australian.
The g in Spring ranges from 16 to 19 Celsius. In summer, the temperatures range around 20 to 25 Celsius. During the Autumn season, it ranges between 17 to 21 Celsius. During Winter, it gets to 12 to 16 Celsius.
The population of New Zealand is around 4.596 million people, but this data was collected in 2015, so there may have been some shifts in the population.
The island was once only inhabited by the Maori people from Hawaikai. Soon, the British came and with the help of the Maori, due to the hunting, the Hula and the Moa soon faced extinction. In 1840, a treaty was signed between the Maori and the British for peace, and it was called the Treaty of Waitangi.
In the North Island, a fifth of the land are covered by the mountains and there are volcanic plateaus. There is a place in the North island called 'Rotorua'. There are a lot of natural geysers, mud pools and hot springs.
There are bizarre rock shapes along the coastline of the South Island. Two fifths of it are covered by mountains and some of the beaches are very smooth.
The Southern Alps is located in the South Island and it holds a lot of icy glaciers. The Tasman Glacier is the largest there is. The most famous glaciers in the South Island are the Franz Josef glacier and the Fox glacier.
New Zealand has some of the best scenery such as caves, mountains, fiords, glaciers, hillsides and subtropical forests. This makes it a popular place for movies to be filmed.
Learning intention: We are learning to write a report.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I use a detailed brainstorm to write a report about New Zealand.